Saturday, October 14, 2006

Cycling....Going Environmental friendly

Of recent, a lot of things have been happening. I recently got a cycle ( Hero 18 gear cycle) and use it commute to office (which is around 2 KM from home)....

First Day: Entry into office basement, security asks: "Do you work in this company?" :-).. I show him my ID, he enters my cube extension, registers my cycle and I park at basement.. Things have gone better now. I explained to few of my friends..

There is one main reason why I took the cycle. I am not a sport buff, who thinks a regular GYM going keeps good health, or atleast, all these take lower priority with work.. So, it made sense to get cycle, to alteast have some work-out. I am sure if I didnt have a cycle, I wouldnt even have this basic workout...

Another guy in my PG also got a cycle (I am not sure if he was inspired from me, but he bought after me.. so I take false credit, even though I may not be the reason ;) )...

Another friend @ my office (Krishna) also now bought a cycle..alteast I am not the only one going by cycle to office now..

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